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Run Ipa On Windows 7

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  1. Run Ipa On Windows 7 64
  2. Run Ipa On Windows

Q: Is it possible to run an iPad app on a Windows computer, or to run the iPad operating system? Apps for the iPad and iPhone are specifically designed for Apple's mobile operating system, called iOS, and that operating system is built to run only on Apple's mobile devices. When you will click on the Open with iTunes then you can find the.ipa file in Apps section of iTunes. As you can see in the below image. Now you can see the application (CS-Cart Mobikul) in the Apps section of iTunes. You can click on the install and can complete the process by clicking on Done button.

In this post, I am going to explain to you what is Cydia Impactor and how you can download and install it on your Windows or Mac.

I will explain the things you can do with it and how to troubleshoot it if it stops working. This tutorial is aimed at anyone using iOS 9, 10, or 11.

[su_note note_color='#E2F0FC']

What is Cydia Impactor?

Cydia Impactor is basically a tool that is used to install IPA files in iOS and APK files in Android. Using this tool, you can exploit the vulnerabilities of iOS or Android. It should be used alongside iTunes to install these apps on iOS devices.[/su_note]

Things to do with Cydia Impactor

Here are some Cydia impactor uses:

  • Cydia Impactor helps you install IPA files in iOS and APK files in Android. These are third-party apps or rooting software that you cannot find the Apple AppStore or Google PlayStore.
  • On iOS, this app can be used to install hacks for your favorite games including Pokémon Go and Minecraft
  • It helps you sideload apps on iPhone in a simpler way compared to the Xcode method
  • You will be able to digitally sign apps, then download and install them on iOS

Cydia Impactor download requirements

If you want to download Cydia Impactor, here are the prerequisites you should meet.

  • You should have iTunes installed on your Windows or Mac before you can sign or install iOS apps
  • You need a valid Apple ID. This is necessary for sideloading app certificates
  • A USB or lightning connector for connecting your iPhone to your computer
  • An active internet connection

If you have all this, in addition to an iPhone or iPad that runs on iOS 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11, you are set to download Cydia Impactor.

Read Also: Impactor shows ‘update to Xcode 7.3 error!' How to fix

How to download Cydia Impactor

In this segment, you are going to learn how to download Cydia Impactor on your Mac, Windows PC, or Linux based computer. This app is free and can be used in the latest version of Mac OS and Windows 10. It can also work for Windows 7 and Windows 8. Here are the download links for different devices:

Run Ipa On Windows 7 64

How to Use Cydia Impactor

If you want to use Cydia impactor to install and sideload .iPA apps and files on your iOS device, follow the steps below:

  • Download to your computer the .ipa file of the app you wish to install. Here are some of the best ++ apps.
  • Use your USB or lightning cable to plug in your iPhone or iPad to your computer
  • Backup your data on iTunes
  • Open Cydia impactor once your backup is complete
  • Drag and drop the downloaded .ipa file to Cydia Impactor
  • Click OK on the Apple ID warning that appears
  • Enter your Apple ID credentials on the dialogue box that appears
  • Wait for a little while for Cydia Impactor to digitally sign your app and Install it to your iOS device
  • Once complete, disconnect your iOS device and go to Settings >General >Device Management
  • Find the profile of the installed app and tap Trust
  • Close the settings app and open the newly installed app

These are the only steps you will require for downloading and signing IPA apps on iOS whether you are using Windows 10, Linux, or Mac OS. All this can be done without jailbreak.

Common Cydia Impactor errors & their fixes

Errors you can encounter on Cydia impactor and how to fix them

1. No such device error/doesn't recognize iPhone or iPad

This is an iTunes error which can be solved using any of the following tips:

  • Ensure your USB or lightning cable is working fine
  • Ensure that your iPhone or iPad is on
  • Unplug all accessories from your computer and retry connecting on a separate USB port
  • Restart your iPhone or iPad
  • Restart your Mac
  • Update iTunes to the latest version
  • Update your Mac or iOS version

I have arranged them in order starting from the simplest since any of these methods can work.

2. Installed application is from a different account

To fix this error, follow the steps outlined here:

  • Launch Cydia Impactor on your Windows or Mac
  • Go to Xcode >Revoke Certificates
  • Enter your Apple ID

3. You already have a current iOS development certificate or pending certificate request

This is a common error (cpp:71), also known as error 71, that means you have used the app or a similar one before. To fix it, simply follow the steps here:

  • Launch Cydia Impactor on your Windows or Mac
  • Go to Xcode >Revoke Certificates
  • Enter your Apple ID

Another way to solve this error is by updating to the latest version of Cydia Impactor. You should now be able to use the device without any problems.

Read Also: How to fix application already installed as incompatible team error Real gambling slots online. Short menu 2 4 – fast and intelligent url shortener.

4. Please sign in with an app-specific password

To fix this error, simply use another email to register for a new Apple ID and use it to sign in to Cydia Impactor.

The app-specific password error won't appear anymore in the new account.

5. Lockdown error cpp:57

To troubleshoot this error, follow the steps outlined here:

  • Go to Settings > General >Reset > Reset Location & Privacy
  • Plug your iPhone or iPad to your computer
  • Open iTunes
  • Tap on the Trust button

You should now be able to use Cydia Impactor without the lockdown error.

6. Cydia Impactor stuck on generating application map

This error appears mostly on iOS 10.3 or 11. It has got something to do with impactor being updated to impact the latest versions of iOS.

This isn't necessarily a problem since the app will just work fine. However, if you want to avoid it in future, simply download the latest version of Cydia Impactor.

7. Cydia Impactor stuck on verifying application

This could be brought about by your iPhone or iPad freezing or when there is a loss of connection during app verification. Follow these steps to fix the problem:

  • Turn your iPhone or iPad to airplane mode airplane mode for a minute before switching it back
  • Hard reset the device
  • Examine whether the authentication worked
  • Delete the app's existing profile, if it does exist on the device
  • Remove the other version of the app if there are two of them.

8. Impactor.exe has stopped working

If you get the impactor.exe has stopped working error when you use Cydia Impactor on Windows 10, follow the steps below to get it working once more:

  • Go to Settings > Accounts > Family & Other People on Windows 10
  • Select Add Someone Else to this PC under the Other people section
  • Select I don't have this person's sign-in information
  • Select Add a user without a Microsoft account
  • Add a name and password for this user
  • Go back to Family & Other people
  • Select Change account type
  • Select Administrator then click OK
  • Log out of the current account and sign in with the new one.
  • Repeat the app installation process with this new account

If you already have another admin account, simply use it instead of creating a new one.

9. Cydia Impactor cannot find .app/Info error (ipa.cpp:438)

This error occurs when you are trying to drag and drop a zipped ipa file to Cydia Impactor. It is triggered because you are moving a zipped folder instead of the ipa file. To solve this problem, simply unzip the file first before dragging and dropping it to Impactor.

Top apps that you can sideload on your iPhone

You can download and install plenty of apps to your iOS device using this app. Here are some of the best Cydia Impactor apps:

  • Spotify++
  • Twitter++
  • Phantom for Snapchat
  • Scothman
  • Vine++
  • Instagram Rocket
  • SoundCloudPro
  • MovieBox++
  • PokeGo++
  • UFC++
  • Cercube 4
  • Cruchyroll++
  • TweetBot 4

And any other jailbreak app, as long as it is in .iPA format. Animal crossing mobile android.

Hopefully you have managed to install Cydia Impactor and sideload apps with it. Adobe acrobat driver windows 7. If you encounter any issues or if there is an error you would like help in troubleshooting, share in the comment section below.

Read Also:How to fix Cydia impactor error 160

What is it?

Prebuild toolchain, to let you develop and run iOS applications on iOS devices using Windows
The toolchain includes:
  • Compiler and linker for Objective-C, C++, C
  • Signing tool and IPA generator
  • IPA installer
  • Complete detailed setup walkthrough

With this toolchain, we've managed to do 99% of our developments using only Windows.
That is what we're sharing here, our experience, current toolchain, setup documentations and plans.

What can you do with it?

You can do the same things, as with a Mac OS X and XCode, but using your good old tools on Windows, like Visual Studio or any other Developer IDE.

What it's not?

It's not a boxed application, that you can install, and have an app running in seconds, you're going to need some work to get everything right.
It's not an SDK, you have to write the same amount of code, as if you were using XCode.

What's here?

Compiler and Linker - It's a heavily patched version of Apple's opensourced compiler and linker, originally located at
Windows host port, relocation fixes and Objective-C support fixes by Ray Donnelly, based on work by javacom, Open Darwin, saurik (Jay Freeman), iPhoneDev and Andrew Udvare.
Sign tool - The IPA is just a zip file with a binary and other contents in it. Create bootable macos usb on ubuntu. This tool signs the executable and generates the CodeResources signature file for the IPA
Installer - Apple ships it's communication functions with iTunes in iTunesMobileDevice.dll. This tool opens a connection to the device, uploads and installs the IPA

Who are we?

We're a small, independent developer group, trying to get rid of every obstacle we face while developing cross-paltform applications.
We have no connection to Apple or Microsoft. We use these tools on a daily basis, and we want to share what we learned.

What will happen here?

We'll always try to make these tools available for free, as long as our legal obligations allow us.
What we offer here now will always be free, we'll not charge for these tools in the future.
We may add new more convenient tools, that requires a fee or a subscription, but you will be always able to do with these tools, what you can do today for free!

Try iTCh - iOSToolChain

What will you need?

Most of our tools are available freely on the internet, but we've spent a good amount of time to asseble it to a complete package. You're going to need these tools and we provide these for free! All we ask is to give us your email address, to keep track of the interest of the project, and to notify you when we move forward!
You'll receive an email with the download links in a few minutes

Since the archive you're downloading from the link in the email contains binary executables in a zip file, and not commonly downloaded, Chrome at the moment displays a warning, that: 'is not commonly downloaded and could be dangerous' It is NOT harmful or dangerous, we're working with Google to resolve this issue!
You will need a computer running a Windows operating system (we've tested with Windows 7 and 8)
You will need a valid iOS Developer subscription
iOS SDK 5.0 can be extracted purely on Windows
iOS SDK >5.0 can only be downloaded from a Mac OS X machine at the moment

Step 1: get the SDK that we cannot distribute

Let's get the toughest part done first!
You have two options:
a. use the 5.0 SDK that can be extracted purely on Windows
b. get the latest sdk using a Mac OS X machine

Step 1a: get the iOS SDK 5.0 on Windows

Get ios sdk:
Member center
Get Xcode 4.2.1 for Lion
You should have a file called installxcode_421_lion.dmg
Download 7 Zip from
Using 7 Zip follow the exact steps below (please note, that we had problems extracting the SDK directly, that's why we're extracting only one pkg at a step, you should follow the exact steps below)
1. extract installxcode_421_lion.dmg5.hfsInstall XcodeInstallXcodeLion.pkg from installxcode_421_lion.dmg
2. extract InstallXcodeLion.pkgInstallXcodeLion.pkgPayloadPayload~.ApplicationsInstall Xcode.appContentsResourcesPackagesiPhoneSDK5_0.pkg from InstallXcodeLion.pkg
3. extract iPhoneSDK5_0.pkgPayloadPayload~.PlatformsiPhoneOS.platformDeveloperSDKsiPhoneOS5.0.sdk from iPhoneSDK5_0.pkg
For this example, I'm placing it in the C:TC directory, under the name of iPhoneOS.sdk

You need to fix the library symlinks in usr/lib
Put fixlibs.bat in the sdk root directory, for this example C:TCiPhoneOS.sdk
Run C:TCiPhoneOS.sdkfixlibs.bat

Step 1b: get the iOS SDK >5.0

Install the latest Xcode to a Mac OS X, and download the sdk from the file system, for example use WinSCP to download the following directory:
While downloading, choose the option to follow symlinks, this way, you don't have to fix the library symlinks in usr/lib
For this example, I'm placing it in the C:TC directory, under the name of iPhoneOS.sdk

Step 1.5: fix the iOS SDK

For reasons unknown to us, we have to move the headers from the framework Header directories, to a proper folder strucutre.
If you know more about how the compiler on the Mac OS X handles the includes without that, let us know!
Put fixheaders.bat in the sdk root directory, for this example C:TCiPhoneOS.sdk
Run C:TCiPhoneOS.sdkfixheaders.bat

Step 2: get your certificate from Apple

Member cetner
Open the iOS Provisioning Portal at
Select Certificates on the left side, download the WWDR intermediate certificate, place it in a key directory
For this example, I'm placing to C:TCkeysAppleWWDRCA.cer
Select Provisioning on the left side, and get an existing Provisioning Profile, or create a new one.
Don't forget to add the device you're using, or installation will fail at the end.
You can always replace the profile and recreate the IPA file.
For this example, I'm placing the provisioning profile to C:TCkeysTestProfile.mobileprovision
You're going to need openssl to manipulate the keys.
Open one of the Windows builds of OpenSSL for example:
Download OpenSSL: Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.1c Light
We don't need the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables installer, despite the warning when you install OpenSSL.
Let the installer put the files in the default location.
The file names here are important, in order for the toolchain to work, you need to stick with the ios_development.cer and developer.key names.

Step 2a: if you already have a certificate

You're going to need your private key file, what you used to request this certificate
If you used Max OS X Keychain Access tool to request the certificate, here are the steps to extract the private key.
Start Keychain Access tool
Open the keys on the left.
Look for a private key Kind of line, that when you open, has an iPhone Developer certificate attached
Export the key in p12 format and download it to your Windows. The following command will extract the RSA private key, you used to generate you're existing certificate. c:Openssl-win32binopenssl pkcs12 -in exported.p12 -nocerts -nodes | openssl rsa > developer.key
For this example, I'm placing the key to C:TCkeysdeveloper.key
On the iOS Provisioning Portal, select Certificates on the left side, download your private certificate
The file names here are important, in order for the toolchain to work, you need to stick with the ios_development.cer and developer.key names.
For this example, I'm placing it to C:TCkeysios_development.cer

Step 2b: if you don't already have a certificate

You will have to generate a certificate signing request and a private key
The following command will generate your private key, for this example, I'm placing it to C:TCkeysdeveloper.key
C:OpenSSL-Win32binopenssl.exe genrsa -out developer.key 2048
The following command will generate a certificate signing request
c:Openssl-win32binopenssl req -new -key developer.key -out developer.certSigningRequest -subj '/, CN=John Doe, C=US' -config 'c:/OpenSSL-Win32/bin/openssl.cfg'
Member center
Open the iOS Provisioning Portal at
Select Certificates on the left side, submit the developer.certSigningRequest file to Apple, to generate a valid certificate
After approval (if you're not the administrator of the account), download your certificate
For this example, I'm placing it to C:TCkeysios_development.cer

Step 3: setup the toolchain

Unpack, for this example, I'm placing it in the C:TCapple-ios directory

Step 4: compile and link your first program

The example application is an UIAlert test application
Unpack for this example, I'm placing it in the C:TCsample directory
Run build.bat
The build batch file is just an example, how to use the compiler, certainly you will have to set the compiler flags and create Makefiles or use an other build system.

Step 5: create your first IPA

generateIpa.bat will use the the build directory to create the IPA
The configuration for the application is in the build/localipa.conf file
It defines a lot of parameters, but you only need to worry about the appId.
To have the Sample running on a device, change the appId to match your provisioning profile.
You don't need to, but might want to edit the info.plist and change the string for the CFBundleIdentifier to match the appId.
This variable is responsible for the separation of the applications on the devices. Two applications with the same CFBundleIdentifier will overwrite each other during install.
Run generateIpa.bat

Step 6: install your IPA

To install the application, you can use iTunes, or we've provided a closed source installer binary.
Either way, you have to have iTunes installed, to upload the IPA to your device. Please note, that the iosconnect application is still under development.
Run installIpa.bat


You can use the iPhone Configuration Utility to read the NSLog output of the device:

That's all folks!

If everything happened Ok, you should have a hello world application running on your iPhone or iPad.
There are still lots of stuff to do with this toolchain, that's only the beginning.
You have any issues? Ask below, or contact us through email!
You managed to use it? Let us know, so we know our work worth the trouble :)

this itoolchain is compatible whit visual studio code for developer apps?

Your Answer


Run Ipa On Windows

I'm developing an app for jailbroken devices and I don't have a certificate. How can I build it?
1 : answered by Peter
As far as I know, Jailbroken devices simply does not validate the certificates. So in theory, you should use a self signed certificate, and the process should remain the same
But I've never tried it

Your Answer


Q ≡ How use udid to send ipa file to spcific device
How use udid to send ipa file to spcific device
Only one device can install it
1 : answered by Peter
Right now we don't support sending ipa to multiple devices, but I'll see if I can add that feature in the near future

Your Answer


Q ≡ installipa error
I was able to generate ipa of the provided sample, but when i try to installipa, i get errors I cannot debug:
IOSConnect starting up!
Command: Install
IPA: buildios_local_releasetmpSample.ipa
Error - XXX5Error - XXX6ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll

ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
Error - CoreFoundation.dll
DLL Load complete!
I can confirm I have iTunes installed on my Windows 10 machine.

Your Answer


Q ≡ How do you download the .bat files like the createipa.bat and those files?
How do you download the .bat files like the createipa.bat and those files?

Your Answer


everthing is ok but when codesign the ipa found a err:
not a MachO binary
1 : answered by Peter
The reason for the error message, is that the binary that the tool tried to sign did not match a March-O header
I'll look into how this is possible as soon as I can

Your Answer


Q ≡ codesign windows implementation
I couldn't find the codesign equivalent with your tool-chain, is there any way of signing an IPA ( _CodSignature folder Mach-O LC_CODE_SIGNATURE LoadCommand ) ??

Your Answer


Can you do this without a mac?

Your Answer


Can you do this without a mac?
1 : answered by BannerBomb
yes you can use to use a virtual browserbased full functional mac just sign up free

Your Answer


Q ≡ Support for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch?
Is there support for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch on iOS Tool Chain for Windows?

Your Answer


IPAGenerate is a pretty cool tool. I really like how you've boiled down the essence of signing into a simple to use java app. Could IPAGenerate (or a simply modified version) be used to sign OSX apps as well?

Your Answer


Sorry, but i don't understand how to make an app
where I have to write my code??
which program??

Your Answer


Hi Just wanted to know do you support , arm 64 bit binaries or any plan to support them ?

Your Answer


Can i use xcode commandline interface like Xcode-select, xcodebuild?
1 : answered by Peter
The whole point was to move away from xcode :)
What do you want to use those tools for?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Api for ipa sign
Is there some api for signing ipa?

Your Answer


Can you make additional tool like IPAGenerate.jar, but just for signing zip files to ipa, please?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Can we use iTCh even if we doesn't have a developer account ?
Can we use iTCh even if we doesn't have a developer account ?
1 : answered by Daniel
You can use it without developer account only if your device is jailbroken.
2 : answered by Peter
To have a valid signature, you'll need an active developer account

Your Answer


Q ≡ How to add data files?
Hello, your project is great =)
I have question about localipa.conf
Can I add folder for recursive adding?
Like: build/xml/*.*
And how can I specify destination folder for file
Like: build/icon.png>icons/icon.png

Your Answer


Do you have any plans on extending support to new Swift programming language ?
1 : answered by Peter
At the moment, we don't have any plans supporting swift

Your Answer


Q ≡ arm64
Does this support arm64? If not, when is it expected to?
1 : answered by Peter
Unfortunately, at the moment we cannot provide a 64bit toolchain.
In theory, everything built with iToolchain should run fine on a 64bit device, but we could not verify it yet

Your Answer


Q ≡ Where is the Bat file??
The instructions for windows installation says :
You need to fix the library symlinks in usr/lib
Put fixlibs.bat in the sdk root directory, for this example C:TCiPhoneOS.sdk
Run C:TCiPhoneOS.sdkfixlibs.bat
I can't find the fixlibs.bat though. Can anyone help?
1 : answered by Peter
The batch file is in the downloadable zip file,

Your Answer


Q ≡ Error when building sample
I am receiving the following error when attempting to build the sample app:
Undefined symbols for architecture arm:
'_exit', referenced from:
start in crt1.3.1.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Any idea what's going on?
I ran this in the command prompt with non-admin. I'm on Win 8.1 and did not change any of the files.

Your Answer


Is there a deb file pack program in the toolchain?
1 : answered by Peter
Sorry, but we don't have deb packing in the toolchain
2 : answered by Yanchang
Is there a .deb file packing program in the toolchain?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Generate IPA error
Exception in thread 'main' .keysTestProfile.mobileprovision
at Method)
at Source)
at IPAGenerate.copyFile(
at IPAGenerate.main(
1 : answered by Peter
You have to create the provisioning profile using you're apple developer account
The Step 2 on this site have detailed instructions, how to do it, can you try using that method?
2 : answered by Lee Yanchang
No,where can I download it? I can't find it in the XCode5.02.dmg file.
3 : answered by Peter
Do you have a keys directory in the parent folder of the bat file?
Do you have a TestProfile.mobileprovision file in the keys directory?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Run build.bat error
C:UsersADMINI~1AppDataLocalTemp/cc7eixoM.s:unknown:FATAL:can't create output file: bin/main.o
1 : answered by Peter
I'm happy to hear that manually creating the directory solved the problem
Unfortunately gcc does not automatically create the directories, but we'll look into how we can implement this feature
2 : answered by Lee Yanchang
I use windows 7.
the toolchain be put at 'c:itoolchain' and the ios5.1sdk at 'c:toolchainios5.1.sdk'. I have modified the build.bat file to use the correct path, and I have the administrator permissions.
3 : answered by Lee Yanchang
I use Windows 7 oprating system.
4 : answered by Lee Yanchang
Thanks, I have solved the problem.
I Create the 'bin' directory manually.
Why does the compiler can't create directory automatically?
5 : answered by Lee Yanchang
Thanks, I have solved the problem. I use the windows 7 operating system. I create the bin directory manually. Why does the compiler can't create directory automatically?
6 : answered by Peter
At first look It seems to be a permission problem.
What operating system do you use?
What folder did you put the toolchain?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Update
I'm intrested whether you plan updating the toolchain. Currently Apple uses clang as their compiler instead of their patched version of gcc.
1 : answered by Daniel
Ok, cool.
I just kind of prefer clang error messages over gcc's.
2 : answered by Peter
We're working on an update, but we're not sure yet, when it'll be available.
We don't see any major improvement at the moment using the new version, but we've found some issues while testing.
We haven't tried yet, but you can give a run with this version:

Your Answer


Q ≡ How do use the tools?
I opened up the file now how do i use!
1 : answered by Peter
Could you please be more specific? Which file did you open up?
How far did you get with the instructions?

Your Answer


Q ≡ XP error
I am trying to compile the sample on Win XP and get the error:
GetFileInformationByHandleEx() not found in kernel32.dll
It seems that the function is available on Vista only.
Is there a patch I could apply? Or maybe it is possible to downgrade to
arm-apple-darwin8 or 9? Would that fix it? Would it be compatible with the libraries and the headers?
1 : answered by Mysoft
if there's still need to make that on XP, i can provide fixes for the XP required api :) just mail me at mysoft64bits @ g m a i l .com
2 : answered by Peter
Hi Alex,
Sorry, but Windows XP is not supported at the moment

Your Answer


Q ≡ generating IPA step.
Hi there iToolChain Team.
I'm very interested in your product and followed the steps till finally trying to compile the sample.
It did not compile.
However, I'm not interested in that at all 
I am interested in the generateIPA tool(script) (actually looking for a way to codesign app on WINDOWS…)
So I took an IPA , used the content of the Deployment folder , as the build folder.
When running the script I get :
Exception in thread 'main' .Sample (The system cannot find the file specified)
at Method)
at Source)
at IPAGenerate.copyFile(
at IPAGenerate.main(
(I configured the localipa.conf).
Could you pls help me out here?
Thank you,
1 : answered by Peter
Thank you for trying out our toolchain :)
The IPAGenerate jar does all the signing, so youre working in the right direction.
We just have to figure out, why it fails.
Could you please send me the command you are running (the arguments you're passing to IPAGenerate.jar) and the localipa.conf file?
Tha error is because the system can't find the executable, that's read from the localipa.conf
Do you have a Sample binary in place?
I'm would be curious, why the sample didn't compile, could you please send us the error message?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Java Error And Theos Quiz
i faced a java error when generateIPA, and hope you help me.
else, i wanna know if i can use this to build apps using Theos Cross-Plateform,
1 : answered by Peter
In theory, yes, you can use Theos, you can use any build system you'd like.
2 : answered by Funreal
Theos is actually cross-platform iOS build system by Dustin Howett written in Perl ment to replace Xcode's one. It is freely accessible at It is mainly used by jailbreak developers due it's Logos preprocessor which makes hooking Springboard's classes much easier.
3 : answered by Peter
Can you post the error you're getting?
What is 'Theos Cross-Plateform'? I've never heard about it

Your Answer


Q ≡ XIB compiler
How is xib compile possible ?
1 : answered by Daniel
Unfortunately nib2objc makes use of ibtool which is Mac-only.
2 : answered by wing64
3 : answered by Peter
Currently there is no way to use the xib files with this tool.
There is a nib2objc tool, that you can try, that can convert nib files to objc code
4 : answered by wing64
with itoolchain.

Your Answer


Q ≡ Show demo
Wolf3D - Shareware
1 : answered by Peter
If I understand correctly, this is the open sourced Wolf3D built with this toolchain.
Thank you, great job, I'll try to make a tutorial based on this project

Your Answer


Q ≡ Can't build app
i tried to just build the simple app but it gave me this error
arm-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc.exe: bin/main.o: No such file or directory
1 : answered by iDevices
Thanks a lot i known now that is windows xp problem
cause kernel32.dll doesn't support GetFileInformationByHandleEx i'm gonna try to get Windows Xp updates to latest version to see if it gonna help or microsoft supportted it for the developers in windows Xp ;)
Thanks for your answers
2 : answered by Peter
Well the attached screenshots suggests, that it's an XP related problem.
We're already setting up a test environment for XP, we'll keep this question updated!
3 : answered by iDevices
Yes i'm using windows xp :(
does it make any problem
4 : answered by Peter
Thank you for your feedback, do you happen to use Windows XP?
5 : answered by iDevices
Here is the first photo
here second
6 : answered by Peter
Could you please help me clarify the situation?
Is the problem resolved? Did you manage to compile the Sample application?
If not, could you please send us a screenshot of the issue?
Could you please also include a screenshot of your Sample directory structure?
7 : answered by iDevices
yes there are bin folder and the same error is appear
and thanks for your answere
8 : answered by Peter
Does give an error like: can't create output file: bin/main.o before the No such file or directory message?
Could you please check if you have a bin directory next to the build.bat?
If you don't have a bin directory, could you please try to create one and run the build.bat afterwards?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Won't install
I've managed to generate the IPA, but the installIpa.bat throws error:
IOSConnect starting up!
Command: Install
DLL Load complete!
lpf_AMDeviceSecureUpgradeApplication error
1 : answered by Peter
This is very general error message, could you please provide some more details please? During installation, the iOS device outputs a lots of information, that you can read with the iPhone Configuration Utility. Could you please send us that log? One other tip, TestFlight has great error detection and reporting with a very detailed FAQ. Upload your IPA to them, and if the error is in the IPA configuration or generation, their site will report it with great detail. Let us know if we can help, or if you managed to fix the issue.

Your Answer


Q ≡ Certificate generation issue
I'm following the guide by the letter, but I'm stuck at Step 2b. We already have a certificate, but I can't get the private key, so I want to generate a new one. But I can't seem to find the submit option
1 : answered by Peter
One developer account can only have 1 certificate issued. You have 2 options: 1. revoke the old certificate 2. add another developer account to the subscription to create a new certificate. To add a new developer account, use:

Your Answer


Q ≡ Where is the debugger?
Where can I find debugging tools?
1 : answered by Anthony
Is your source code to the signing tool available?
2 : answered by Ray Donnelly
Actually I never did make a debugger, it's on my extensive list of things to do at some point.
3 : answered by Peter
The debugger is currently not supported in the toolchain. The original source contains a debugger binary, and we have a debug process starter code that we're experimenting with. But at the moment, we cannot support it.
Run Ipa On Windows 7

ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
ERROR - iTunesMobileDevice.dll
Error - CoreFoundation.dll
DLL Load complete!
I can confirm I have iTunes installed on my Windows 10 machine.

Your Answer


Q ≡ How do you download the .bat files like the createipa.bat and those files?
How do you download the .bat files like the createipa.bat and those files?

Your Answer


everthing is ok but when codesign the ipa found a err:
not a MachO binary
1 : answered by Peter
The reason for the error message, is that the binary that the tool tried to sign did not match a March-O header
I'll look into how this is possible as soon as I can

Your Answer


Q ≡ codesign windows implementation
I couldn't find the codesign equivalent with your tool-chain, is there any way of signing an IPA ( _CodSignature folder Mach-O LC_CODE_SIGNATURE LoadCommand ) ??

Your Answer


Can you do this without a mac?

Your Answer


Can you do this without a mac?
1 : answered by BannerBomb
yes you can use to use a virtual browserbased full functional mac just sign up free

Your Answer


Q ≡ Support for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch?
Is there support for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch on iOS Tool Chain for Windows?

Your Answer


IPAGenerate is a pretty cool tool. I really like how you've boiled down the essence of signing into a simple to use java app. Could IPAGenerate (or a simply modified version) be used to sign OSX apps as well?

Your Answer


Sorry, but i don't understand how to make an app
where I have to write my code??
which program??

Your Answer


Hi Just wanted to know do you support , arm 64 bit binaries or any plan to support them ?

Your Answer


Can i use xcode commandline interface like Xcode-select, xcodebuild?
1 : answered by Peter
The whole point was to move away from xcode :)
What do you want to use those tools for?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Api for ipa sign
Is there some api for signing ipa?

Your Answer


Can you make additional tool like IPAGenerate.jar, but just for signing zip files to ipa, please?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Can we use iTCh even if we doesn't have a developer account ?
Can we use iTCh even if we doesn't have a developer account ?
1 : answered by Daniel
You can use it without developer account only if your device is jailbroken.
2 : answered by Peter
To have a valid signature, you'll need an active developer account

Your Answer


Q ≡ How to add data files?
Hello, your project is great =)
I have question about localipa.conf
Can I add folder for recursive adding?
Like: build/xml/*.*
And how can I specify destination folder for file
Like: build/icon.png>icons/icon.png

Your Answer


Do you have any plans on extending support to new Swift programming language ?
1 : answered by Peter
At the moment, we don't have any plans supporting swift

Your Answer


Q ≡ arm64
Does this support arm64? If not, when is it expected to?
1 : answered by Peter
Unfortunately, at the moment we cannot provide a 64bit toolchain.
In theory, everything built with iToolchain should run fine on a 64bit device, but we could not verify it yet

Your Answer


Q ≡ Where is the Bat file??
The instructions for windows installation says :
You need to fix the library symlinks in usr/lib
Put fixlibs.bat in the sdk root directory, for this example C:TCiPhoneOS.sdk
Run C:TCiPhoneOS.sdkfixlibs.bat
I can't find the fixlibs.bat though. Can anyone help?
1 : answered by Peter
The batch file is in the downloadable zip file,

Your Answer


Q ≡ Error when building sample
I am receiving the following error when attempting to build the sample app:
Undefined symbols for architecture arm:
'_exit', referenced from:
start in crt1.3.1.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Any idea what's going on?
I ran this in the command prompt with non-admin. I'm on Win 8.1 and did not change any of the files.

Your Answer


Is there a deb file pack program in the toolchain?
1 : answered by Peter
Sorry, but we don't have deb packing in the toolchain
2 : answered by Yanchang
Is there a .deb file packing program in the toolchain?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Generate IPA error
Exception in thread 'main' .keysTestProfile.mobileprovision
at Method)
at Source)
at IPAGenerate.copyFile(
at IPAGenerate.main(
1 : answered by Peter
You have to create the provisioning profile using you're apple developer account
The Step 2 on this site have detailed instructions, how to do it, can you try using that method?
2 : answered by Lee Yanchang
No,where can I download it? I can't find it in the XCode5.02.dmg file.
3 : answered by Peter
Do you have a keys directory in the parent folder of the bat file?
Do you have a TestProfile.mobileprovision file in the keys directory?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Run build.bat error
C:UsersADMINI~1AppDataLocalTemp/cc7eixoM.s:unknown:FATAL:can't create output file: bin/main.o
1 : answered by Peter
I'm happy to hear that manually creating the directory solved the problem
Unfortunately gcc does not automatically create the directories, but we'll look into how we can implement this feature
2 : answered by Lee Yanchang
I use windows 7.
the toolchain be put at 'c:itoolchain' and the ios5.1sdk at 'c:toolchainios5.1.sdk'. I have modified the build.bat file to use the correct path, and I have the administrator permissions.
3 : answered by Lee Yanchang
I use Windows 7 oprating system.
4 : answered by Lee Yanchang
Thanks, I have solved the problem.
I Create the 'bin' directory manually.
Why does the compiler can't create directory automatically?
5 : answered by Lee Yanchang
Thanks, I have solved the problem. I use the windows 7 operating system. I create the bin directory manually. Why does the compiler can't create directory automatically?
6 : answered by Peter
At first look It seems to be a permission problem.
What operating system do you use?
What folder did you put the toolchain?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Update
I'm intrested whether you plan updating the toolchain. Currently Apple uses clang as their compiler instead of their patched version of gcc.
1 : answered by Daniel
Ok, cool.
I just kind of prefer clang error messages over gcc's.
2 : answered by Peter
We're working on an update, but we're not sure yet, when it'll be available.
We don't see any major improvement at the moment using the new version, but we've found some issues while testing.
We haven't tried yet, but you can give a run with this version:

Your Answer


Q ≡ How do use the tools?
I opened up the file now how do i use!
1 : answered by Peter
Could you please be more specific? Which file did you open up?
How far did you get with the instructions?

Your Answer


Q ≡ XP error
I am trying to compile the sample on Win XP and get the error:
GetFileInformationByHandleEx() not found in kernel32.dll
It seems that the function is available on Vista only.
Is there a patch I could apply? Or maybe it is possible to downgrade to
arm-apple-darwin8 or 9? Would that fix it? Would it be compatible with the libraries and the headers?
1 : answered by Mysoft
if there's still need to make that on XP, i can provide fixes for the XP required api :) just mail me at mysoft64bits @ g m a i l .com
2 : answered by Peter
Hi Alex,
Sorry, but Windows XP is not supported at the moment

Your Answer


Q ≡ generating IPA step.
Hi there iToolChain Team.
I'm very interested in your product and followed the steps till finally trying to compile the sample.
It did not compile.
However, I'm not interested in that at all 
I am interested in the generateIPA tool(script) (actually looking for a way to codesign app on WINDOWS…)
So I took an IPA , used the content of the Deployment folder , as the build folder.
When running the script I get :
Exception in thread 'main' .Sample (The system cannot find the file specified)
at Method)
at Source)
at IPAGenerate.copyFile(
at IPAGenerate.main(
(I configured the localipa.conf).
Could you pls help me out here?
Thank you,
1 : answered by Peter
Thank you for trying out our toolchain :)
The IPAGenerate jar does all the signing, so youre working in the right direction.
We just have to figure out, why it fails.
Could you please send me the command you are running (the arguments you're passing to IPAGenerate.jar) and the localipa.conf file?
Tha error is because the system can't find the executable, that's read from the localipa.conf
Do you have a Sample binary in place?
I'm would be curious, why the sample didn't compile, could you please send us the error message?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Java Error And Theos Quiz
i faced a java error when generateIPA, and hope you help me.
else, i wanna know if i can use this to build apps using Theos Cross-Plateform,
1 : answered by Peter
In theory, yes, you can use Theos, you can use any build system you'd like.
2 : answered by Funreal
Theos is actually cross-platform iOS build system by Dustin Howett written in Perl ment to replace Xcode's one. It is freely accessible at It is mainly used by jailbreak developers due it's Logos preprocessor which makes hooking Springboard's classes much easier.
3 : answered by Peter
Can you post the error you're getting?
What is 'Theos Cross-Plateform'? I've never heard about it

Your Answer


Q ≡ XIB compiler
How is xib compile possible ?
1 : answered by Daniel
Unfortunately nib2objc makes use of ibtool which is Mac-only.
2 : answered by wing64
3 : answered by Peter
Currently there is no way to use the xib files with this tool.
There is a nib2objc tool, that you can try, that can convert nib files to objc code
4 : answered by wing64
with itoolchain.

Your Answer


Q ≡ Show demo
Wolf3D - Shareware
1 : answered by Peter
If I understand correctly, this is the open sourced Wolf3D built with this toolchain.
Thank you, great job, I'll try to make a tutorial based on this project

Your Answer


Q ≡ Can't build app
i tried to just build the simple app but it gave me this error
arm-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc.exe: bin/main.o: No such file or directory
1 : answered by iDevices
Thanks a lot i known now that is windows xp problem
cause kernel32.dll doesn't support GetFileInformationByHandleEx i'm gonna try to get Windows Xp updates to latest version to see if it gonna help or microsoft supportted it for the developers in windows Xp ;)
Thanks for your answers
2 : answered by Peter
Well the attached screenshots suggests, that it's an XP related problem.
We're already setting up a test environment for XP, we'll keep this question updated!
3 : answered by iDevices
Yes i'm using windows xp :(
does it make any problem
4 : answered by Peter
Thank you for your feedback, do you happen to use Windows XP?
5 : answered by iDevices
Here is the first photo
here second
6 : answered by Peter
Could you please help me clarify the situation?
Is the problem resolved? Did you manage to compile the Sample application?
If not, could you please send us a screenshot of the issue?
Could you please also include a screenshot of your Sample directory structure?
7 : answered by iDevices
yes there are bin folder and the same error is appear
and thanks for your answere
8 : answered by Peter
Does give an error like: can't create output file: bin/main.o before the No such file or directory message?
Could you please check if you have a bin directory next to the build.bat?
If you don't have a bin directory, could you please try to create one and run the build.bat afterwards?

Your Answer


Q ≡ Won't install
I've managed to generate the IPA, but the installIpa.bat throws error:
IOSConnect starting up!
Command: Install
DLL Load complete!
lpf_AMDeviceSecureUpgradeApplication error
1 : answered by Peter
This is very general error message, could you please provide some more details please? During installation, the iOS device outputs a lots of information, that you can read with the iPhone Configuration Utility. Could you please send us that log? One other tip, TestFlight has great error detection and reporting with a very detailed FAQ. Upload your IPA to them, and if the error is in the IPA configuration or generation, their site will report it with great detail. Let us know if we can help, or if you managed to fix the issue.

Your Answer


Q ≡ Certificate generation issue
I'm following the guide by the letter, but I'm stuck at Step 2b. We already have a certificate, but I can't get the private key, so I want to generate a new one. But I can't seem to find the submit option
1 : answered by Peter
One developer account can only have 1 certificate issued. You have 2 options: 1. revoke the old certificate 2. add another developer account to the subscription to create a new certificate. To add a new developer account, use:

Your Answer


Q ≡ Where is the debugger?
Where can I find debugging tools?
1 : answered by Anthony
Is your source code to the signing tool available?
2 : answered by Ray Donnelly
Actually I never did make a debugger, it's on my extensive list of things to do at some point.
3 : answered by Peter
The debugger is currently not supported in the toolchain. The original source contains a debugger binary, and we have a debug process starter code that we're experimenting with. But at the moment, we cannot support it.

Your Answer


Q ≡ Can I submit with this to App Store?
Can I use this toolchain to submit my application to Apple?
1 : answered by Testadoor
Can we use iTCh even if we doesn't have a developer account ?
2 : answered by Daniel
Can you point me to the exact location where this is stated ? Could it be developed on Windows but submitted on Mac ?
3 : answered by Peter
As noted in the Developers Agreement that you had to sign to get into the Apple Development Program, you can only use Mac OS X to create applications to submit to the App Store. But for example, you can upload the IPA produced by these tools to

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